The services offered by the medical practices come at a cost, and so, many people have health Insurance.
Medipact. Is an insurance set up by the Island health group for people who would find it difficult to get insurance. It is only for the patients of this group of practises. For more information or 01481 243203
Foresters Health Care 01481728864
Oddfellows 01481 723827
Bupa 03301 737698
How can we help?
The Welfare Team are here to ensure the Armed Forces Community can access any help they need, be it financial, emotional or practical
Psychology Support Service:
Tel: 07781 131389
Email: [email protected]
The RBL (Gsy) recognise that many people experience anxiety, depression or addictive behaviour which if not addressed can result in difficulties with daily life. Up to 4 sessions with an appointed Psychologist will be funded by RBL (Gsy) for ex-service personnel.
To qualify to be referred, the Veteran will need proof of service, ie/ red book, discharge record, pension letter etc and photo ID. Meeting will be arranged with member of the Welfare Team, forms completed and sent on to registered Psychologist who will contact the client within 48 hours and arrange the first appointment within 2 weeks.
Banter Breakfast
The Banter Breakfast is an occasion for all serving and ex-serving personnel and their families to get together over a full English Breakfast (or continental if you prefer). It is a chance to meet up with old friends and perhaps make some new. Held on the first Saturday of each month at Les Rocquettes hotel, St Peter Port starting at 08:00 for a very reasonable £4.50
Relocating to Guernsey
Information for returning Armed Forces Personnel
Island’s Housing Control Laws:
Anyone living in Guernsey must be lawfully housed under the Island’s housing control laws. This requirement applies as much to tenants living in rental properties as to owner occupiers. In the same way as an owner-occupier must hold the correct ‘Right to Work’ document, so must a tenant to allow them to live in their rented home.
In order to live in a Local Market rental property, a tenant must either be ‘locally qualified’ (being those who were born, brought up or have close connections to the Island) or hold a housing licence. Housing licences are usually granted on the basis of the tenant’s employment although ‘compassionate’ housing licences are also sometimes issued by the Housing Department. A Right to Work document in the form of a ‘Declaration of Lawful Residence’ will be granted to a tenant of an Open Market rental property subject to immigration status.
Further information is available on the Guernsey Government website:
Population Management Population Management - States of Guernsey (
You will also find information on the States of Guernsey Social Housing Forces Policy here Social Housing Armed Forces Policy
Cost of Housing
Housing costs are high in Guernsey. You can expect to pay rental for a local market one bedroomed flat from around £1,000 per month and for a three bedroomed home in excess of £2,000. Currently Guernsey is experiencing a housing crisis and homes are becoming more and more difficult to come by.
During the winter months, holiday accommodation is available for ‘winter let’. Such as:
Vazon Bay Apartments 01481 254353
La Collinette Hotel Apartments 01481 710331
If you are looking for a room in boarding house type accommodation then there are a few options which are mostly out of town. This accommodation is unlikely to be suitable if you have children. These include:
Les Embruns 01481 264834
The New Manor House 01481 23788
The Carlton 01481 235678
This accommodation is not suitable for children.
Estate Agents this link will take you to a web-site where most estate agents advertise available properties.
This list details Estate Agents which are featured in the Guernsey Telephone Directory (available from any Sure store):
All Island Property
Carre Property Ltd
Cooper Brouard
Lovell and Partners Ltd
Martel Maides
Mawson Collins
Parkes and Associates Ltd
Savills Residential
Shields and Rutland
Swoffers Ltd
Watts and Co
Social Media:
Facebook – Guernsey Properties – For Rent
Social Housing
There is a limited stock of social housing, this is provided by the States of Guernsey Housing Department 01481 225000 or the Guernsey Housing Authority 01481 245530 If eligible for Social Housing the waiting list is longer then you would expect to wait in most local authorities in the UK.
There is Emergency Housing provided by the Charity, Sarnia Housing. They can accommodate people who are accepted on the waiting list for Social Housing, however since the first COVID outbreak in 2021, they are experiencing a high demand for their accommodation.
'Live In’ Accommodation
Mostly in the hospitality trade ‘live in’ accommodation is sometimes provided.
Liberate Guernsey - an active organisation on the island. The website has a list of links that the LGBTQ+ community, their family, friends and carers will find informative, fun and useful. They provide support to those with questions.
07839 202201
[email protected]
The Bailiwick has a vast assortment of sporting and leisure clubs.
Beau Sejour Leisure Centre - local government run 0148 255200 – has many facilities including Gym, Swimming pool, squash/ tennis court and, Health Suite General purpose sports hall which can be used for Basket ball, badminton, netball etc.
Guernsey Sports Commission – Guernsey Sports Commission Directory has listings of most if not all of the local sports/ leisure clubs with contact details and general information.
Surfing – [email protected]
Athletics: [email protected]
Para sport – [email protected]
Snooker – RBL Guernsey West and Northern Clubs
Banter Breakfast –. The Banter Breakfast is an occasion for all serving and ex-serving personnel and their families to get together over a full English Breakfast (or continental if you prefer). It is a chance to meet up with old friends and perhaps make some new. Held on the first Saturday of each month at Les Rocquettes hotel, St Peter Port starting at 08:00 for a very reasonable £4.50
Mallard Cinema – four screen local cinema - 01481 266366 –
Visits to a GP, Ambulances, Dentists and A&E cost at point of service – GP visit is £66-£68 (March 2024)
A&E department, Princess Elizabeth Hospital 01481 220000 have a table of charges depending on day and time of attendance and treatments carried out.
Ambulance call out charge - calling an ambulance can be expensive – for an emergency call out resulting in transfer to hospital you can be charged £390. You can subscribe to the St John Ambulance service once resident on the island.
Secondary or specialist care is free following a referral from primary case.
A good website with plenty of useful easy to navigate information is Health Connections 01481 227470
There are many primary care practices throughout the island:
High Street St Peter Port (based In Boots chemist) GY1 2JT 01481 711237
St Martin's Surgery Les Camps du Mpoulin, St Martin, GY4 6DA 01481 237757
Rohais Surgery Rohais, St Peter Port, GU1 1FF – 01481 723322
Cobo Surgery – Route de Carteret, Cobo, Castel, GY5 7HA 01481 251121
L’Aumone Surgery Castel GY5 7RU 01481 256517
St Sampson Medical Centre – Grandes Maiso Rd, St Sampson, GY2 4JS 01481 245915
Island Health Town Surgery –1 Le Truchot, St Peter Port, GY1 1WD 01481 724247
Queen's Road Medical Centre Queens Rd, St Peter Port - 01481 724184
Longfrie Surgery Rue de Longfrie, St Pierre du Bois, GY7 9RZ 01481 264185
Guernsey’s Ambulance and Rescue Service is a charity that provides 24hour a day cover as well as paramedic response plus non-emergency patient transport service. As ambulance call outs incur a charges. It is possible to sign up to the Ambulance Subscription Scheme at
If you have private health cover it is suggested that you check your level of cover to ensure it is enough to meet the charges.
Emergency Department is staffed by consultants (quite separate from the General Practitioner Surgeries) and other specialist staff Nurses Radiographers etc. There is a cost for this service and a list of charges can be seen on
The Medical Specialist group. provides the majority of specialist and hospital medical and surgical care. Everyone who lives locally and is registered for the payment of Social Security Contributions is covered by the Specialist Health Insurance Scheme and so may receive specialist care and treatment free of charge. For more information on accessing services go to the States of Guernsey Health Services website.
Pregnant women will be cared for by midwives and a consultant at the Medical Specialist Group. This care and the hospital stay is covered by Social Insurance contributions. The family will then be visited by a member of the Health Visiting Team until the child goes to school. You can contact a health Visitor by: or 01481 707368
School nurses offer a vaccination programme to all school students.
The Children’s Dental Service provides a dedicated dental service for pre-school and school age children with particular needs. The services screens children at their 3 year developmental check and also at 5, 10 and 12 years of age in school together with a programme of oral health promotion. Every child under the age of 18 is entitled to one free dental checkup per year.
The cost of a child age under 16 years or 18 years in full time education being seen by a Dr in the surgery or in the Emergency department is reduced to £25. A Nurse to £12.
See here for useful information on all aspects of living and working in Guernsey: Guernsey Revenue Services
On arriving on island, individuals must register with the Revenue Service.
The Guernsey Government website is useful for information on working in Guernsey
Job Centre Search job vacancies advertised at the Job Centre - States of Guernsey (
The Job Centre can arrange training on returning to work , attending interviews and CV's. 01481 222516
There are various recruitment agencies where jobs can be searched for in categories, including labour force for Trade jobs.
Education / Learning - There are many educational establishments in the Bailiwick Primary schools if relocating with children the local government site has a Moving to Guernsey – School Admission Form available through the website.
The links below offer further information on all aspects of child and adult education.
Pre-school age children – Child Development Centre 01481 213600
Education Services 01481 224000
Bailiwick of Guernsey Registered Preschools and Nurseries Government list
Education Services – Schools, Colleges and Services
Government list
Adult Education - The Guernsey Institute - a new organisation bringing the Islands further and higher education offerings into one place.
University of third age - u3a is a network of leaning groups for older people who are not in full- time work or have retired. Members share their knowledge, skills and interests in various interests and activities
About Us
Welfare Team
Chair/Team Lead: Marlene Place
Email: [email protected]
Mobile: 07839 774863
Team members
Morag Brock
Tracey McColl
Brian Scott
Useful websites
Locate Guernsey 01481 220011
Health and Social Services Departments 01481 220000
Section Links
Branch Contacts
Central Committee
Western Branch
Royal British Legion
Rue des Fosses
St Saviours